A Systematic Approach to Building With Trees
Where trees exist on land that is to be developed, it makes good sense both economically and environmentally to preserve these assets. A systematic approach and proven techniques can protect trees during construction and into the future. The result is higher property values and a more pleasant place to live or work.

On a hot summer day, there are few things more valued at a shopping mall than a parking space in the shade.
In that same community, homes with large, healthy trees will sell faster and at prices 10 to 15% more than homes with few or no trees.
Why, then, would anyone develop land and needlessly destroy trees? Reasons vary, but topping the list are ignorance of the values that are lost, a tradition of clearing land before building, and lack of information about how to save trees during construction. The purpose of Bulletin No. 20 is to help change this unfortunate situation and point the way toward making trees and development compatible.
Built-in quality or a long, long wait … large trees make the difference. Property owners and developers who plan around existing trees can benefit from higher values as well as contribute to the stewardship of our environment.
In This Bulletin
Here’s what’s inside:
- Step 1: Tree Stand Delineation – accounting for existing vegetation
- Step 2: Tree Survey – a more detailed mapping of trees that will be affected by construction
- Step 3: Tree Conservation Plan – developing a construction plant that will have the least impact on existing trees
- Step 4: Construction Administration – onsite protection of trees identified to remain
- Communication — Essential in All Steps – key communication points at each step
- Promoting Better Building Practices – four ways the Arbor Day Foundation promoting building with trees